Tue, Mar 11, 2025
In some areas of Japan, local residents take it into their own hands to protect the artistically and historically valuable Buddhist sculptures, craft and other cultural properties of their region. The Kannon-no-sato (Kannon village) in the Takatsuki district of Nagahama, Shiga Pref., so-called because not a small number of Kannon statues there are preserved by the local residents, is a case in point. However, the decreasing and aging of the population in these areas may make it difficult for the locals to continue their efforts in the future.
Kannon-no-sato Part 2:
Thousand-armed Kannon and Sho Kannon
of Shakugo-ji Kannon-do
(Shiga Prefecture)
The Shakugo-ji Kannon-do in the Takatsuki district of Nagahama, Shiga Pref. keeps the Thousand-armed Kannon, which is more amicably known as the Korori Kannon, and the Sho Kannon (bodhisattva Avalokitesvara). Both statues are about 180 centimeters tall, and were likely made during the early Heian period of single blocks of cypress wood. The former was designated as an important cultural property in 1911, the latter in 69.
The Thousand-armed Kannon has lost its head top, and only 12 of the 42 arms the original had remain intact, although all the hands are missing. The Sho Kannon has lost its hands and feet on both sides. According to legend, every time a war broke out during the Sengoku (Warring States) period, local villagers would take them to a nearby river and hide them under water, which resulted in the damages.
Although the non-sectarian Shakugo-ji is a temple by name, it is without a priest and located on the premises of the Hiyoshi Jinja shrine with only the Kannon-do (Kannon hall) and a belfry. Six custodians selected from among the residents of the Karakawa area (about 70 households) in Takatsuki serve as administrators of the Kannon-do. Three of the six custodians are replaced by newly selected residents every two years.
The residents kept the statues hidden from public view until 1984 due to their painful appearance.
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Kannon-no-sato Part 3:
Yakushi Nyorai (presumed) and Eleven-headed Kannon
of Nishino Yakushi-do
(Shiga Prefecture)
The Nishino Yakushi-do in the Nishino area of the Takatsuki district in Nagahama houses the presumed statue of Yakushi Nyorai (About 159 centimeters tall, mid-Heian period) and the Eleven-headed Kannon (About 167 centimeters tall, early Heian period). They were rescued by local villagers time and again during the Sengoku (Warring States) period. The Yakushi Nyorai is made of a single block of zelkova wood, and the Eleven-headed Kannon of a single block of cypress wood. They were both designated as an important cultural property of Japan in 1026.
Twelve custodians are chosen from the Nishino area (about 80 households) to preserve the Yakushi-do, which is a small building on the premises of the Juman-ji temple in the same area. Visitors to the area, young and old, increased as the Takatsuki district came to be known as the Kannon-no-sato.
A 78-year-old custodian says, “We like talking to the people who come here and pray, and to learn what they are wishing for. We would be delighted if they visited us again.” The Yakushi-do is closed from December to March, and will reopen in April.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun and other sources)