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Sat, Jul 27, 2024

Masterworks of Askaen photo studio to be featured at Hanzomon Museum in Tokyo

The Hanzomon Museum in Tokyo will run an exhibition this fall (2024) to showcase the photographic masterpieces of Askaen — a photo studio situated in the ancient capital of Nara specializing in shooting Buddhist statues and other cultural assets — which, in 2022, celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding.

Ogawa Seiyo
Fukukensaku Kannon Bosatsu, Todaiji Temple (Hokke-do)

The studio, founded by photographer Seiyo Ogawa (1894-1960) in 1922, was commissioned by a government bureau in 1950 to document cultural properties by photos for use in the process of designating Japan’s important cultural properties and national treasures, and has since been involved in efforts to preserve cultural properties by shooting photos.


Sep 11 (Wed) – Nov 24 (Sun), 2024

Hanzomon Museum
(Hanzomon, Tokyo)

*See outline below for details

“OGAWA SEIYO AND ASKAEN, A CENTENNIAL JOURNEY,” the exhibition set to open on Sept. 11, 2024, and run through Nov. 24, 2024, will trace the 100-year history of the studio by displaying photos taken by Ogawa and his son and successor Kozo (1928-2016), who are said to have elevated Buddhist statue photography to a form of art.

Ogawa Seiyo
Kannon Bosatsu (Kudara Kannon), Horyuji Temple
Ogawa Seiyo
Bosatsu Seated with One Leg Pendent
Chuguji Temple

Among the photos to be displaed are those of some of the most well-known Buddhist statues of temples in Nara, such as the “Fukukensaku Kannon Bosatsu” of Todai-ji, the “Kannon Bosatsu (Kudara Kannon)” of Horyu-ji and the “Bosatsu Seated with One Leg Pendent” of Chugu-ji.

Other photos by Seiyo Ogawa:
Ogawa Seiyo
Traditionally identified as Gakko Bosatsu
Todaiji Temple (Hokke-do)
Ogawa Seiyo
Juichimen Kannon, Shorinji Temple
Ogawa Seiyo
Basara (Vajra) of the Twelve Divine Generals
Shinyakushiji Temple (Kon-do)
Ogawa Seiyo
Juichimen Kannon, Muroji Temple
Photos by Kozo Ogawa:
Ogawa Kozo  
Fukukensaku Kannon Bosatsu with Canopy
Todaiji Temple (Hokke-do)
Ogawa Kozo
Komokuten of the Four Divine Kings
Todaiji Temple (Kaidan-do)
Ogawa Kozo
Senju Kannon Bosatsu
Toshodaiji Temple (Kon-do)
Ogawa Kozo
Juichimen Kannon, Shorinji Temple
Ogawa Kozo
Tentoki, Kofukuji Temple
Ogawa Kozo
Ashura, Kofukuji Temple
Ogawa Kozo
Dainichi Nyorai, Enjoji Temple

Outline of the event


Wed, Sep 11, 2024〜Sun, Nov 24, 2024


10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(Last admission at 5:00 p.m.)


Hanzomon Museum

25 Ichiban-cho
Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo


Admission free

Closing day

Mondays & Tuesdays


Tel. 03-3263-1752



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