特別展「法然と極楽浄土」/【九州会場】2025年10月7日(火)~11月30日(日) 九州国立博物館/(左から)重要文化財「阿弥陀如来立像」(部分) 鎌倉時代・建暦2年(1212) 浄土宗蔵、国宝「阿弥陀二十五菩薩来迎図(早来迎)」(部分) 鎌倉時代・14世紀 京都・知恩院蔵、「法然上人像(隆信御影)」(部分) 鎌倉時代・14世紀 京都・知恩院蔵

Special Exhibition: Hōnen and Pure Land Buddhism

The Japanese priest Hōnen (also known as Hōnen-bō Genkū, 1133–1212) was the founder of the Jōdo Shū, Japan’s first Pure Land school of Buddhism. He lived amid a turbulent era spanning from the end of the Heian period (794–1185) to the beginning of the Kamakura period (1185–1333). During this age of upheaval, Hōnen gained widespread support by advocating that anyone, regardless of their rank or circumstances in life, has the potential to attain salvation and be born into the Pure Land paradise of Amida (Amitābha) Buddha after death. Hōnen taught that the means of achieving this is to repeatedly chant the prayerful invocation Namu Amida Butsu ("I take refuge in Amitābha Buddha"), known as the "nenbutsu."

This exhibition celebrates the 850th anniversary of the founding of Jōdo Shū through an exploration of the history of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism, beginning with Hōnen's founding of the school and extending through to the creation of various denominations by his disciples and the establishment of their respective doctrines. The exhibition also examines how Jōdo Shū grew and expanded significantly through the patronage of the Tokugawa shogunate during the Edo period (1615–1868). This historical journey will be traced through precious artworks, including numerous National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties associated with this school of Pure Land Buddhism.

Overview & Access

Tokyo Venue

*Tokyo venue has closed.


Special Exhibition: Hōnen and Pure Land Buddhism


April 16 – June 9, 2024

  • * During the exhibition there will be rotations in which some of the artworks will be replaced with other works.


Mondays (except for April 29 and May 6), May 7


9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  • * Last admission 30 minutes before closing


Heiseikan, Tokyo National Museum (Ueno Park)

13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8712, Japan


Tokyo National Museum; NHK; NHK Promotions Inc.; The Yomiuri Shimbun

With the Special Sponsorship of

Canon Inc.; Daiwa Securities Group; T&D Insurance Group; Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.

With the Sponsorship of

East Japan Railway Company; SHIMIZU CORPORATION; TAKENAKA CORPORATION; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.; MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL CO., INC.; MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD.; Mitsubishi Corporation

With the Special Support of

Jōdo Shū 850th Anniversary Celebration Committee; Agency for Cultural Affairs

With the Support of

Nissha Co., Ltd.

General Inquiries

(+81)50-5541-8600 (Hello Dial)

List of Works(Tokyo Venue)/Download/PDF/1.22MB
Tokyo National Museum(map)

Tokyo National Museum

13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-8712, Japan

  • 10 minutes’ walk from JR Ueno Station (Park exit) and Uguisudani Station (South Exit)
  • 15 minutes’ walk from Keisei Ueno Station, Tokyo Metro Ueno Station and Tokyo Metro Nezu Station



Advance tickets

Same-day tickets




University Students



High School Students



Junior high school students and younger


Tickets can be reserved and purchased from the official online ticket.

Official online ticket / Buy tickets

  • * Junior high school students and under and persons with disabilities and one accompanying person each are admitted free. Please present an ID at the ticket booth.
  • * Visitors can view this exhibition without making reservations. Tickets may also be purchased at the ticket counter, but you may be asked to wait if the exhibition is crowded.
  • * Tickets for this exhibition can also be used to visit the general exhibitions on the same day.
  • * During the exhibition there will be rotation in which some of the artworks will be replaced with other works.

Kyoto Venue

*Kyoto venue has closed.


Special Exhibition: Hōnen and Pure Land Buddhism


October 8 – December 1, 2024

  • * The exhibition has two installations:
    Part I: October 8–November 4, 2024
    Part II: November 6–December 1, 2024
    Some artworks may be rotated during the exhibition period.


Kyoto National Museum, Heisei Chishinkan Wing

527 Chaya-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan 605-0931


Kyoto National Museum; NHK Kyoto Station; NHK Enterprises, Inc., Osaka Branch Office; The Yomiuri Shimbun

With the Special Sponsorship of

Canon Inc.; Daiwa Securities Group; T&D Insurance Group; Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.

With the Sponsorship of

East Japan Railway Company; SHIMIZU CORPORATION; TAKENAKA CORPORATION; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation; Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.; MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL CO., INC.; MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., LTD.; Mitsubishi Corporation

With the Special Support of

Jōdo Shū 850th Anniversary Celebration Committee; Agency for Cultural Affairs

With the Support of

Nissha Co., Ltd.

General Inquiries


Kyoto National Museum(map)

Kyoto National Museum

527 Chaya-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto

  • Via JR, Subway or Kintetsu Railway Get off at Kyoto Station. From bus platform D2 in front of the station, take City Bus #206 or #208 to "Hakubutsukan Sanjusangendo-mae" bus stop.
  • Via Keihan Railway Get off at Shichijo Station. Walk east along Shichijo Street for about seven minutes.
  • Via Hankyu Railway Get off at Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station. Walk east over the bridge to the Keihan Railway Gion-Shijo Station. Take Osaka-bound Keihan train to Shichijo Station. Walk east along Shichijo Street about seven minutes.



Advance tickets

Same-day tickets




University Students



High School Students



Ticket on Smartphone / Print At Home / Online Ticket / Click here to buy tickets

Kyushu Venue


Special Exhibition: Hōnen and Pure Land Buddhism


October 7 – November 30, 2025

  • * During the exhibition there will be rotations in which some of the artworks will be replaced with other works.


Kyushu National Museum

4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, 818-0118, Japan


Kyushu National Museum; Fukuoka Prefecture; NHK Fukuoka Station; NHK Enterprises Fukuoka Branch Office; The Yomiuri Shimbun; The Nishinippon Shimbun


Kyushu National Museum Promotion Foundation

With the Special Support of

Jōdo Shū 850th Anniversary Celebration Committee; Dazaifu Tenmangu; Agency for Cultural Affairs

With the Support of

Nissha Co., Ltd.

General Inquiries

(+81) 50–5542–8600 (Hello Dial)

  • *in Japanese only

Kyushu National Museum

4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu City, Fukuoka, 818-0118

  • 10 minutes’ walk from Dazaifu Station
    * If you take the Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line, please transfer to the Nishitetsu Dazaifu line at Nishitetsu Futsukaichi station.
150th読売新聞日本美を守り伝える 紡ぐプロジェクト/紡 TSUMUGU/本展の収益の一部は、「紡ぐプロジェクト」における文化財の修理事業に充てられます。
  • ※開館時間、休館日、観覧料、展示期間等の情報は、確定し次第、本サイトでお知らせします。
  • ※展示作品、会期等については、今後の諸事情により変更する場合があります。最新情報は本サイトでご確認ください。